Thursday, July 23, 2009


It was long day. Did much work which I needed to get into it as it was not initiated by me. Sun is gone and it is the exact time between the day and night. Strange time to do the work left. I am not feeling comfortable working in my working hours during the day and then continue with american working hours. It's killing me if it's not for just 2-3 days. I hope it will not last more than 5 days more. I am getting very tired.


Leila Franca said...

Hey, thanks for following my blog! I just started it this week. I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and my language is Portuguese. However, I decided to write in English about my miniatures because i can get more readers. It seems I was right because you wouldn't get to read it if it was written in Portuguese!

Unknown said...

Yes you are right. I do not understand portuguese at all :) While I can do some basic translate over google about eventual comments in different language i can't put such efforts in reading other blogs written entirely in different language, only those with pictures mostly :)).